The ARM Institute is dedicated to promoting U.S. manufacturing through the use of automation. In this webcast, learn from the CEO of the ARM Institute how robotics and AI can lead to smart manufacturing, global competitiveness, and best of all, careers for workers.
In this webcast, Eugene Demaitre, senior editor of Robotics Business Review,will chat with Dr. Byron Clayton, CEO of the Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing, or ARM Institute. Clayton and Suzy Teele, head of marketing and communications for the ARM Institute, will explain how ARM is working to achieve its goals.
Viewers can learn how robotics and artificial intelligence are leading to smart manufacturing, as well as how business leaders and factory workers can benefit from automation.
Thanks in part to collaborative robots, production does not have to be dull, dirty, or dangerous, and the nation’s economy can advance with smart manufacturing.
Clayton will describe how the ARM Institute is funded and organized. The consortium is part of the Manufacturing USA Institutes and includes a wide range of enterprises and educational institutions such as Carnegie Mellon University.
The ARM Institute this week announced four recipients for its first funding round of $2.8 million.
Growing American industry with smart manufacturing
The mission statement for the ARM Institute specifies the goals of asserting American leadership in smart manufacturing research, making it easier for companies to adopt relevant robotics and AI, and helping to create valuable jobs in the sector. Automation and jobs are not diametrically opposed, notes Clayton.
From certifications to a “clearinghouse” for information about robotics options and technology transfer, the ARM Institute is working for an American approach to Industry 4.0. Clayton and Teele will discuss how ARM can bridge the “manufacturing innovation gap” and serve multiple industries.
In addition, they will describe applications of AI and machine learning, which along with the emerging Industrial Internet of Things, are making smart manufacturing more flexible, safer, and cost-effective than past production methods.
Finally, Clayton will talk about the ARM Institute’s plans for its own expansion, including more members and a new facility in Pittsburgh.
Editor’s Note: Dr. Clayton will also be participating in the panel on “Reprogramming Today’s Workforce for Tomorrow’s Technologies — Impact on Public-Private Partnerships” on Tuesday, June 19 at the Robotics & AI Summit @ LiveWorx ’18 in Boston. In addition to signing up for the webcast (below), register now to see him speak!