ARM Announces Awardees of First Funding Round
ARM has awarded $2.8 million in funding to four project teams. These projects are separate from formal project calls and were selected upon ARM’s inception.
The draft version of our new Tech Project Call is now available to ARM Members!
Learn moreThe draft version of our new Tech Project Call is now available to ARM Members!
Learn moreARM has awarded $2.8 million in funding to four project teams. These projects are separate from formal project calls and were selected upon ARM’s inception.
Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM) today issued a formal solicitation for a call for proposals for eight topic areas relative to advancing robotics technology.
ARM Chief Operating Officer, Jay Douglass, examines the future of industrial robots and his challenge for students to consider careers in manufacturing.
Read ARM’s pre-solicitation notice for its second technology project call centered on accelerating industrial robotics technology into commercialization. This supplementary call features a new topic area focused on software.
ARM unveils its new member engagement platform, the ARM Member Community, where members can network, work on project proposals, share news and events, find project team members, and more.
ARM Hosts First Tech Day
ARM Leadership Teams Announced
Dr. Byron Clayton discusses his vision for ARM
Dr. Clayton brings his experience in public-private partnership and technology advancement to ARM.
Jay Douglass, ARM COO, discusses the future ARM headquarters in Mill 19 at Hazelwood Green.