ARM Institute Capabilities


The ARM Institute convenes the nation’s largest collaborative dedicated to advancing and strengthening US manufacturing through robotics, AI, and workforce innovation. With more than 330 member organizations, the ARM Institute facilitates unique collaboration between organizations that are otherwise considered competitors. From internationally recognized companies and universities to innovative start-ups and community colleges, we convene stakeholders across manufacturing to solve problems and secure the future of U.S. manufacturing.

ARM Membership is at the organizational level and Members enjoy benefits that include: participation in ARM Institute-funded projects and special access to project outputs, access to our digital Member Community, participation in member-exclusive events, webinars, and workshops, including our Annual Member Meeting, and more.

Learn More About Membership

Program Management

The ARM Institute’s Program Management Team works across project teams and project stakeholders, including Department of Defense (DoD) experts, to ensure project success. We use our consortium of experts and government stakeholders to identify areas of need, craft Project Calls that address these needs, and catalyze the most impactful solutions proposed by project teams comprised of several ARM Institute Members. Awarded project teams then work directly with an ARM Institute Program Manager. Only ARM Institute Members can work on our projects. ARM Institute Project Calls may also be directed – a type of Project Call where we work with an individual organization to craft a Project Call and solicit the ARM Membership for solutions.

Our technical projects focus on advancing U.S. manufacturing through robotics solutions. Our diverse portfolio of projects includes robotics solutions for: aerospace, defense, automotive, healthcare, logistics, materials handling, space/hypersonics, education/workforce, material production, textiles, and more industries.

Learn More About Our Program Management Capabilities

Education & Workforce Capabilities

The ARM Institute works to empower our nation’s manufacturing workforce and prepare them for Industry 4.0 careers working with robotics, automation, and artificial intelligence (AI). We do this by funding workforce development projects, demystifying manufacturing careers working with robotics, and endorsing the nation’s most effective training programs.

We have also created the only national resource dedicated to connecting education seekers with vetted training opportunities through the creation of was conceptualized and created through the ARM Institute’s 330+ member national consortium, giving equal voice to the need of manufacturers, education providers, and government stakeholders.

Learn More About our Education & Workforce Capabilities